O'Neill O'Reilly & Associates

Consulting Engineers

Ireland’s leading team of Consulting Engineers, Surveyors, and Planning Consultants.

Specialising in:

Pre-Purchase Survey/Snag Lists
A comprehensive overview of the construction of the property, identify major/minor defects present, and make recommendations for remedial repair. Our Clients are given a clear understanding of any current issues prior to committing to a purchase.

Engineer Reports

Reporting on buildings/structures for purposes of insurance claims / RTB claims, etc.

Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant Application

Engineer reports for purposes of the grant for the €20,000 top-up for the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant, bringing the total available grant payment to €70,000 for those looking to renovate property.

Planning Retention Permission
For those who are looking to sell their property but cannot, as their property is not in compliance with the Planning Permission.

New Build/Extension Design & Planning Permission Application
Our team will design, apply for planning permission, supervise the site at the main stages of construction, and provide the formal Certificate of Compliance upon completion of the project.

For those selling a property to state that all structures on the property are in compliance with Planning Permission.

The O’Neill O’Reilly design process

Stage 1

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Initial Consultation

We will meet with you at your property. You will receive expert advice, a detailed report and quotations the same day.

Stage 2

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Planning Application Preparation

Our team of planning consultants will prepare the planning application.

Stage 3

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Planning Application Submission

Our average time from client go-ahead to submission is 10 days.

Stage 4

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Final Certification

When the application is granted permission, we provide the formal Certificate of Compliance with Planning Permission and Building Regulations.

Our Budget Friendly Service

Our Fixed Fee Model for Retention Permission

Why Choose O’Neill O’Reilly?

We work with the utmost professionalism and integrity. We pride ourselevs on our efficient and person-centric approach to all that we do.

High Quality

Team of Planning Consultants & Engineers based in Ireland.

Happy Clients

Thousands of surveys &
500 + planning projects collectively completed.


25 + years’ experience in consultant engineering, surveying, home design, and planning applications.

Competitive Pricing

We have some of the lowest pricing structures on the market.

Let’s Speak

Contact us, and start your journey towards your dream home!

Consistent planning application success